Control Room

Electrical Safety for Control Rooms

Control Rooms in Data Centers

In control rooms of data centers, safety is the top priority. The employees in the control room focus on detecting errors quickly in alarm situations. Bender technology makes the monitoring of this critical infrastructure even more straightforward and more effective. Bender's communications solutions provide you with information on the status of the electrical safety and power supply of your IT environment. This communications software can be accessed anytime and anywhere. This means that not only does the technical monitoring the system onsite have access, but the management team may be miles away but needs to check on the system.

This also allows for more effective monitoring of other critical applications in Industry 4.0, logistics and supply, and more. The benefit is immediate information about critical statuses and the resulting risks, thus the fastest possible reaction to avoid critical system statuses.

Recurrent Tests and Fault Location

Recurrent testing is also essential to ensuring systems are at peak performance. Another valuable technology developed by Bender is the EDS series which offers automatic ground fault location. Automatic identification of the faulted circuit eliminates the need to manually “hunt” for a ground fault's location and allows the rest of the power system to operate normally. There is no longer a need to sequentially de-energize loads.  

When a ground fault occurs, its presence is detected by a Bender insulation monitoring device (IMD), which signals that there is a fault and begins to send an identifiable current signal into the power system. This then activates the EDS device. The EDS is a multichannel detector connected to measuring current transformers (CTs). The CTs monitor feeders or loads in a zero-sequence fashion (all load conductors pass through the CT window) and are sensitive to the locator pulse, which only flows to the fault. The EDS reports the fault location to the IMD, displaying the information on its LCD and communications interface. This all occurs without the need for operator intervention. This saves time and money and ensures the overall electrical safety of the data center and its systems.


Product Overview ISOMETER®/ISOSCAN® Product Overviews 5.3 MB EN2024/02/1616.02.2024
Product Overview - Residual Current Monitoring Product Overviews 6.2 MB EN2023/11/0909.11.2023
Data Centres Market Segment Brochures 2.1 MB EN2023/06/1616.06.2023
2020 Guidelines (US) Technical Information 1.9 MB EN2020/06/1515.06.2020
Overview Brochure Product Overviews 10.3 MB EN2023/10/0202.10.2023
DATEV eG Achieves Higher Data Center Availability and Reduces Downtime Through the Application of Bender Residual Current Monitoring Technology Technical Information 913.0 KB EN2019/05/1313.05.2019
Bender Industry Application Market Segment Brochures 5.9 MB EN2024/09/0404.09.2024


Ground-Fault Monitoring for Grounded Systems

LINETRAXX® SmartDetect RCMS410

Four-channel DC, AC and pulse current sensitive residual current monitor for earthed AC, AC/DC and DC systems

LINETRAXX® RCMS460-D Blindspot®

Multi-channel AC/DC ground-fault monitor

LINETRAXX® RCMS490-D Blindspot®

Multi-channel AC/DC ground-fault monitor with individual relay outputs



Condition Monitor with an integrated gateway for the connection of Bender devices to Ethernet-TCP/IP networks

Current Transformers


AC/DC sensitive measuring current transformer (Type B)

Ground-Fault Monitoring for Grounded Systems

LINETRAXX® SmartDetect RCMS410

Four-channel DC, AC and pulse current sensitive residual current monitor for earthed AC, AC/DC and DC systems

LINETRAXX® RCMS460-D Blindspot®

Multi-channel AC/DC ground-fault monitor

LINETRAXX® RCMS490-D Blindspot®

Multi-channel AC/DC ground-fault monitor with individual relay outputs




Condition Monitor with an integrated gateway for the connection of Bender devices to Ethernet-TCP/IP networks


Current Transformers


AC/DC sensitive measuring current transformer (Type B)
