Voltage relay for higher nominal system voltages

Spannungsrelais für höhere Netznennspannungen

Bender offers a wide range of different <link 794 - internal-link "Opens internal link in current window">voltage and frequency monitoring devices</link>. They range from single-phase voltage and frequency monitoring devices, through special solutions such as analogue voltage monitoring devices for nuclear power station applications to three-phase system and installation protection for decoupling in power generation systems. They all provide the necessary information advantage so that faults and malfunctions can be detected at an early stage and measures can be implemented before time-consuming, expensive interruptions to operation and installation damage occur.

The new voltage relay VMD461 unit covers the nominal voltage range up to 400 V without an additional, external coupling device and is multifunctionally configurable. For nominal system voltages > 1200 V the new CD440 coupling device is to be used in conjunction with the voltage relay.

In addition, the new VMD461 can be used optionally for a wide variety of system configurations such as AC, 3AC, 3NAC and DC.

The internationally valid and recognised ANSI codes1] for the measurement and monitoring functions are mapped in the VMD461

In conjunction with the CD440 coupling device, the new VMD461 combines reliable operation with high flexibility and simple configuration for high nominal system voltages.